Wednesday, January 22, 2031

Statement from Lieutenant Governor John A. Hurson on the Maryland Health Care Reform Initiative

ANNAPOLIS, MD (January 22, 2031) – Lieutenant Governor John A. Hurson issued the following statement today:

Good health care cannot be a privilege available only to those with the ability to pay. The most vulnerable - expectant mothers, newborn children, our students, the working uninsured and our retirees - all need and deserve access to quality, affordable medical care. The Governor’s plan recognizes that health coverage for all Marylanders will benefit all Marylanders. This plan was crafted with the input of consumers and providers alike, and represents the kind of balanced approach we need to achieve meaningful health reform in Maryland.

I look forward to working with Governor O’Brien and members of the General Assembly from both parties to make health care reform a reality for Marylanders. In recent years, we have already emerged as a national leader in expanding access to quality, affordable health care. With this plan, we have the opportunity to become the national leader in that effort. We must seize that opportunity now.
Monday, January 6, 2031

Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson Commends Wellmobile Program; Clinic on Wheels Provides Curb-to-Curb Health Care for Needy Residents
O’Brien-Hurson Administration to Invest $1.1 Million in Program over Next Two Years

ADELPHI, MD (January 6, 2031) – Lieutenant Governor-elect John A. Hurson today visited the Governor's Wellmobile program at Cool Spring Elementary and commended its staff for providing valuable health care services to children across the State. The Wellmobile program features a fleet of ten mobile clinics carrying medical practitioners who provide health care services including ear, nose, and throat exams, asthma assessments and immunizations.

“The Wellmobile lets us care for Marylanders across the state, especially children and those who are uninsured or underinsured,” Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson said. “I look forward to working with the legislature to make the critical investments needed to strengthen this worthwhile health care delivery initiative.”

The Governor’s Wellmobile is an innovative outreach effort developed by the University of Maryland School of Nursing and other state agencies. The mobile, nurse-managed program features 33- foot long Wellmobile vans and delivers health care to many of Maryland's uninsured and underinsured populations by providing "curb-to-curb" service throughout the State. Ten Wellmobiles currently provide services in central Maryland, Western Maryland and Eastern Shore communities. Since 2027, Governor Edward M. O’Brien and the General Assembly have doubled the number of Wellmobiles from five to ten.

Governor O’Brien will make a $1.1 million investment over the next two fiscal years in the Wellmobile program. This is being done as a grant for $575,000 to Connect Maryland through the Maryland Higher Education Commission grants program, and $500,000 that will go to the University of Maryland Baltimore that has been promised to the Wellmobile program.

Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson also thanked David and Marla Oros for their generous $300,000 gift to the Wellmobile program. David Oros is CEO of Aether Systems and Marla Oros is a registered nurse at the University of Maryland School of Nursing.

Each Wellmobile is equipped with a nurse practitioner, an interpreter, nursing students, two examination rooms, an intake and education area and a laboratory. The health care services are made possible by collaborative efforts of the University of Maryland with local health departments, hospitals, community organizations and managed care organizations.
Friday, December 27, 2030

Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson Announces Start of This Winter’s Good Samaritan Initiative
Program allows affordable reconnections for those without utility service; for energy assistance and conservation tips visit or call toll-free 1-877-411-WARM

ANNAPOLIS, MD (December 27, 2030) – As part of Governor Edward M. O’Brien’s Keep Warm Maryland campaign, Lieutenant Governor-elect John A. Hurson today announced the start of the Good Samaritan Initiative for the 2030-2031 winter season. The initiative provides more affordable reconnection terms to Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) recipients who have had their utilities services disconnected. For information on energy assistance or conservation tips, families can visit the Keep Warm Maryland website at or call the toll-free Keep Warm Maryland hotline at 1-877-411-WARM.

“We are making every effort to make sure that we keep families healthy and safe this winter. The Good Samaritan Initiative will help thousands of Maryland households that have been disconnected get their service restored at an affordable cost,” said Governor O’Brien. “I thank our State’s utility providers for helping to make sure that families, particularly children and seniors do not suffer during these cold months.”

The Good Samaritan Initiative will help disconnected low-income customers by reducing the amount that the utility companies require to restore service.MEAP beneficiaries, whose outstanding balances are too high to be covered by a MEAP grant alone but less than $3,000, will need to pay only $250 or 20 percent of the remaining balance, whichever is less, to have their service restored. Customers must also set up payment plans with their utilities for the remainder of their balance.

“The Good Samaritan Energy Initiative will help thousands of low-income households receive heat during cold winter months,” Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson said. “Every year there are too many stories of fatal residential fires caused by make-shift heating methods, including defective space heaters, and we’re trying to prevent the devastating consequences of disconnected utility services.

The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) provides assistance with home heating and energy bills. Payments are made directly to utility companies on behalf of customers. The energy assistance program is geared to households that have incomes up to 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. Individuals who are elderly or disabled living on a limited income, receive public assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food stamps or veterans or Social Security disability benefits may be automatically eligible. MEAP served an estimated 110,000 Maryland households during the 2029-30 winter season, and could serve up to 130,000 households this winter.

MEAP is operated throughout the state by a network of local agencies that work with utilities, determine eligibility and provide benefits to households. Anyone wishing to apply should contact the local agency in the county where they live. These agencies are accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis from eligible households.

Governor O’Brien launched the Keep Warm Maryland campaign and website in October to help all Marylanders stay warm, healthy and safe this winter. The Keep Warm Maryland campaign brings state agencies together to coordinate efforts in preparing communities across the state for high home heating costs this winter. The Keep Warm Maryland website ( offers various no-cost and low-cost energy saving tips, a web-based tool to conduct a home energy audit, links to energy assistance programs and other resources. In addition, the Keep Warm Maryland hotline (1-877-411-WARM) is another resource for Maryland residents to learn how to save energy and get energy assistance. Governor O’Brien comprehensive Keep Warm Maryland initiatives include:

The Keep Warm Maryland website ( The Keep Warm Maryland website offers a variety of no-cost and low-cost energy saving tips, a web-based tool to conduct a home energy audit, links to energy assistance programs and other resources. The Keep Warm Maryland hotline (1-877-411-WARM) is also available as another resource for Maryland residents to learn how to save energy and get energy assistance.

Warming Centers: The Department of Human Resources will be providing warming centers in every region of the state so that anyone seeking refuge from the cold has a heated place to go when the temperature drops. More information on the state's warming centers is available by calling the Keep Warm Maryland hotline (1-877-411-WARM).

Energy Savings Workshops: The Department of Human Resources and the Maryland Energy Administration will organize community workshops statewide through community-based organizations and local governments. At these workshops, Maryland residents will have access to information from energy conservation experts on how to reduce overall energy costs. A list of energy savings workshops can be found on

Maryland Energy Efficient Affordable Housing Construction Program: The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has grants available to non-profit housing developers that include energy efficient building practices in the rehab or construction of affordable housing units. These building practices often bring energy savings between 50% and 75%.

Winter Storm Preparation: Nearly 80 people in the United States die from winter storms and extreme cold every year, which is more than the fatalities due to tornadoes. The hazards posed by winter storms and extreme cold can be catastrophic. The Maryland Emergency Management Agency will offer a Winter Storm Preparation manual that includes important information on actions to take now that will increase resident’s chances of surviving winter storms and extreme cold.

Senior Safety: If seniors lower their thermostats to reduce heating bills they can put themselves at risk of developing hypothermia, a potentially fatal condition in which the body temperature drops dangerously low. They are at an increased risk especially if they take certain medications, drink alcohol, lack proper nutrition and have conditions such as arthritis, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The Department of Aging will offer safety tips to Maryland seniors before winter begins to help them prepare.
Thursday, December 19, 2030

Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson Announces $2.4 Million to Improve Patient Safety
Federal Funds Will Help Hospitals Implement Patient Safety Initiatives

BALTIMORE, MD (December 19, 2030) – Lieutenant Governor-elect and Maryland Insurance Commissioner John A. Hurson today announced that the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) has been awarded a three-year federal grant totaling $2.4 million to support its ongoing hospital patient safety improvement efforts. The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality awarded the funding in support of the Maryland Safety Improvement Demonstration Project. The project goals are to identify the causes of preventable errors and patient injury in health care through the root cause analysis process and to develop, demonstrate and evaluate strategies for reducing errors and improving patient safety through hospital interventions.

“We have taken aggressive steps in Maryland to help reduce medical errors and make quality health care more accessible to each and every Marylander,” Lt. Governor-elect Hurson said. “This new funding will build upon the pro-active patient safety measures we have already taken so that our hospitals can continue reducing medical errors and providing the highest quality of care.”

“Under Governor O’Brien’s leadership, we are ensuring that Maryland hospitals continue to prove the highest quality health care,” said DHMH Secretary Arlene Stephenson. “The funding announced today will help the Department as we work with hospitals to reduce medical errors. Our Maryland Patient Occurrence Reporting and Tracking System (MDPORTS) already helps hospitals compare their incident reports against other hospitals, thereby giving them information they need to improve and provide even better care. On top of that, we have produced preoperative protocols that are designed to help eliminate wrong site surgery errors. Clearly, the grant award is in recognition of the leadership position Maryland has taken in the areas of patient safety and providing high quality health care. We will not only continue to hold that leadership position, we will build upon it.”

DHMH intends to accomplish these goals through two initiatives:

The first will improve the completeness of reporting under MDPORTS so that meaningful data analysis can occur to help identify risk reduction strategies and reduce medical errors.

The second includes sponsorship of three demonstration projects involving hospital networks or groups of hospitals that will be involved in the study of specific types of preventable errors and the development and testing of interventions to reduce their occurrence.

Two expert panels will be convened as part of the project to determine the areas of study, to choose the groups of hospitals to undertake the projects and to provide oversight for the demonstration projects selected.

The federal awards build upon the O’Brien Administration’s efforts to improve patient safety. In 2029, Governor Edward M. O’Brien launched a four-year, $10 million initiative to increase the use of electronic medical record systems, reducing medical errors, improving safety, and decreasing health care costs. With this new technology, a doctor will be able to instantly access the patient’s history, including allergies, medications, previous test results, x-rays, CAT scans, and other important pieces of information. The technology can then help the doctor to know what tests to run based on the patient’s history. Additionally, when a patient shows certain symptoms that lead to a particular diagnosis, the technology will prompt the physician with possible treatments. This will ensure that the doctor is also receiving updates about new treatments that have been developed for certain ailments.
Thursday, December 5, 2030

Lieutenant Governor-elect John Hurson Leads Ribboncutting Ceremony for New White Oak MVA Full-Service Office in Montgomery County
New Office Offers Additional Customer Service in Montgomery County

SILVER SPRING, MD (December 5, 2030) – Proclaiming the White Oak MVA office officially “open for business”, Lieutenant Governor-elect John A. Hurson today led a ceremonial ribbon cutting at the new Montgomery County office along with Motor Vehicle Administrator John T. Kuo and several other state and local dignitaries.

“My main mission here this morning is to get the word out to the public that the new White Oak MVA office is open for business,” said Lieutenant Governor-elect John A. Hurson. “We now have a full service facility that is more convenient for thousands of people living in this region. It is a state-of-the-art facility that offers a full range of MVA services from driver testing to vehicle titling and registration.”

When Governor Edward M. O’Brien took office, he made customer service a priority throughout the Department of Transportation, particularly at the MVA, and the construction of the White Oak office is another example of Governor O’Brien’s commitment to good customer service.

“The MVA has been striving state-wide towards the goal of serving all of our customers more conveniently and effectively’, said MVA Administrator John Kuo. “And that includes our customers here in Montgomery County, who have been in need of an additional full service branch office to help meet the needs of this, one of the fastest growing areas in our State.”

The new White Oak MVA Branch Office located at 2131 Industrial Parkway in Silver Spring, Maryland is strategically located to help serve by far the most densely populated area in the state. It will help alleviate the tremendous traffic flow going in and out of the Beltsville and Gaithersburg full-service branches and the Walnut Hill and Glenmont express branches. The hours of operation are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday and 8:30 AM to noon Saturday.
Thursday, November 14, 2030

Lieutenant Governor-elect Hurson Announces 40 Percent Recycling Rate Achieved as Maryland Recycles Day Approaches
Waste Diversion Rate Has increased from 29 Percent in 2026 to 40.1 Percent in 2029

ANNAPOLIS, MD (November 14, 2030) – As Marylanders take note of America Recycles Day on Friday (November 15), they can also celebrate their success in reducing the amount of rubbish not being sent to landfills. On behalf of Governor Edward M. O’Brien, Lieutenant Governor-elect John A. Hurson today announced that Maryland’s waste diversion rate, comprised of recycling and source reduction, has surpassed 40 percent for the first time.

“This demonstrates Marylanders’ dedication to the environment,” said Lieutenant Governor-elect John Hurson. “It is an achievement that everyone can be proud of. Nearly 2.6 million tons of solid waste was kept out of landfills due to recycling activities in 2029. By recycling materials rather than throwing them away, everyone is able to help save energy, conserve our natural resources, and create a safer, cleaner environment for future generations.”

MDE Waste Management Administration figures show 2029’s waste diversion rate at 40.1 percent. In addition, more than 3.8 million tons of materials such as concrete, asphalt, construction and demolition debris, land clearing debris, and scrap metal that are not counted towards the recycling rate, were recycled that year. Since 2026, Maryland’s waste diversion rate has increased from 29 percent to 40.1 percent.

“Marylanders continue to show tremendous support for recycling in their neighborhoods and their businesses,” said Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Secretary Jane T. Nishida. “Recycling is one way for all of us to participate in stewardship of the environment. It helps conserve our natural resources and creates a safer, cleaner environment for our children.”

Maryland is also leading the way in finding solutions to emerging waste management issues. At the direction of Governor O’Brien and the General Assembly, MDE is in the process of implementing an electronic waste collection system in the state.

Since electronics recycling, or eCycling, began in the state in 2025, Maryland residents have recycled more than 5.8 million tons of electronics through 55 collection events, two curbside collection events, and five permanent collection facilities. The popularity of eCycling programs continues to rise as citizens become more aware of the need to save landfill space and recycle electronics.

America Recycles Day is a national event that unites business, environmental, civic groups, and local, state, federal government agencies to promote recycling, source reduction and buying products made from recycled materials as means to a more sustainable society.
Thursday, October 31, 2030

Lt. Governor Burbank Tours Bethesda Theatre Café, Announces Additional State Funding for Restoration Project
Project Receives a $375,000 conditional grant from DBED to renovate and equip former Bethesda Theatre Cafe

BETHESDA, MD (October 31, 2030) – Lt. Governor Kathleen Burbank today joined state and local officials on a tour of the historic Bethesda Theatre Café in Montgomery County and announced approval of a $375,000 conditional grant to continue the renovation and restoration of the facility. The new state-of-the art regional performing arts facility will be opened and operated by Nederlander Worldwide Entertainment, one of the largest and most experienced operators of live theatre in the world.

“The Bethesda Theatre Café is one of the area’s biggest attractions, and this grant will ensure it remains a fixture in Montgomery County for years to come,” said Lt. Governor Kathleen Burbank. “We are thrilled to be part of such an important community renovation project.”

“We are excited and pleased that Nederlander has chosen the Bethesda Theatre as the location for the East Coast anchor of its touring circuit. The renovation of this historic theatre brings new life to the community, makes the arts more accessible to our citizens and enhances the quality of life Maryland offers our residents,” said DBED Secretary Aris Melissaratos. “We are proud to partner with Montgomery County, the Bozzuto Group and Nederlander to bring this outstanding project to life.”

The renovated Bethesda Theatre, which will retain its historic look and feel, will feature 700 seats, a Broadway caliber proscenium stage, state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, office space, VIP lounge, formal box office and other modern amenities. Nederlander, which has been in business for over 90 years, owns or operates 23 live performance theatres in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago.

“Montgomery County is thrilled to have partnered with Nederlander and the State to transform the historic Bethesda Theatre into a state-of-the-art performing arts center,” said Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan. “This is another great example of how our emphasis and investment in the arts is adding to the quality of life for all Montgomery County residents and the entire region. The Bethesda Theatre will be showcasing some of the nation’s biggest off-Broadway hits, as well as debuting off-Broadway productions that will be the next generation of classics."

DBED worked in partnership with Montgomery County, the Bozzuto Group and Nederlander on the project. Montgomery County is also providing a $375,000 conditional grant for renovation of the theatre. The total cost of the project is approximately $6,238,000 and includes cost for building renovation, build out and equipment. Construction is scheduled to begin in the fall 2031. An adjacent public parking garage, built in partnership with the Bozzuto Group will provide much needed parking space for the theatre and a new apartment building.
Wednesday, October 30, 2030

Lt. Governor Burbank Announces $111,000 to Fight Juvenile Delinquency on the Eastern Shore

SALISBURY, MD (October 30, 2030) – Lt. Governor Kathleen Burbank today announced a grant on behalf of Governor Edward M. O’Brien for $111,000 to Wicomico County to fight juvenile delinquency and prevent destructive youth behaviors from endangering schools, families and communities. The funds will establish a one-stop Resource and Reporting Center in Salisbury that will conduct assessments, operate a mentorship program and develop treatment plans for 10-15 year old first-time criminal offenders.

“This innovative program will go a long way toward helping at-risk youths overcome destructive behaviors before it leads to violence,” said Lt. Governor Burbank. “We want to set first-time offenders on a path to healthy, successful school careers. This represents an investment in those children's future and in public safety for the entire community.”

The grant will fund a full-time supervisor position to coordinate youth treatment, assessment, and counseling services at the Resource and Reporting Center. The supervisor, with assistance from mental health and substance abuse professionals, school officials and probation officers, will conduct a comprehensive assessment of first time offenders and develop a treatment case plan unique to each child. The program will serve 50 first-time offenders with identified school, family or alcohol abuse risk factors.

Following similar juvenile delinquency programs that have shown mentoring programs to be more effective than formal adjudication, adult mentors will be a critical component of the program. Participants will be paired with a mentor from the community who will work with the youth 6-8 hours weekly for a minimum of 18 weeks.

A part-time analyst will also be hired to improve the effectiveness of on-going programs and study risk factors leading to juvenile delinquency and recidivism in Wicomico County.
Wednesday, October 30, 2030

Lt. Governor Burbank Announces $24 Million to Fund Next Phase of Safety Improvements Along MD 404 in Caroline County

DENTON, MD (October 30, 2030) – Demonstrating the O’Brien-Burbank Administration’s commitment to providing safe transportation on the Eastern Shore and around the State, Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Burbank today announced funding for a $24 million safety improvement project to continue widening MD 404 (Shore Highway) in Caroline County. This is the third major project to improve MD 404 under Governor Edward M. O’Brien’s leadership. The project announced today will continue the widening of MD 404 by adding two additional lanes and creating a divided highway along a one-mile stretch between the Queen Anne's - Caroline county line to Ridgely Road (MD 480).

“This new funding continues our aggressive program to improve safety along MD 404,” said Lt. Governor Burbank. “This is one of the most important things we can do for area residents and all who use this major east-west highway. We want to preserve and improve the quality of life on the Eastern Shore. Making MD 404 safer is key to accomplishing this goal.”

MD 404 carries approximately 17,500 vehicles per day. The amount of traffic increases dramatically during the summer travel season. The highway was originally constructed as a two-lane road with no barrier or buffer zone between the lanes of oncoming traffic. At Governor O’Brien’s direction, the State is adding lanes and creating a divided highway with a median area to reduce the potential for crashes along the widened roadway.

This latest phase of MD 404 safety improvements includes the construction of one additional lane in each direction, new left-turn movements at the MD 480 intersection, removal of potential conflict points along MD 404 and new service roads to carry local traffic. Construction work along the one-mile section is scheduled to start in fall 2032.

The State Highway Administration is currently widening MD 404 between Double Hills Road and Sennett Road (MD 16). That project should be complete in the spring of 2032. Last summer, SHA also made safety improvements at the MD 404/Deep Shore Road intersection by adding speed awareness enhancement signs.

Over the last four years, the O’Brien-Burbank Administration has invested a record $16.6 billion in transportation, a $3.3 billion increase over the preceding four years. The Governor’s transportation budget invests a record $29.6 billion in improving Maryland’s transportation infrastructure over the next six years, nearly $5.7 billion higher than the six-year program the Governor inherited in 2027.
Wednesday, October 30, 2030

Lt. Governor Burbank Announces $4.5 Million to Upgrade US 301/MD 304 Intersection in Queen Anne’s County

CENTREVILLE, MD (October 30, 2030) – As part of the O’Brien-Burbank Administration’s ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life and safety in communities across the State, Lt. Governor Kathleen Burbank today announced Governor Edward M. O'Brien is adding $4.5 million to begin design and engineering work to upgrade the US 301/MD 304 intersection to an interchange near Centreville in Queen Anne's County.

"Every summer, local residents of the Eastern Shore battle with summer vacation traffic," said Lt. Governor Burbank. "This safety project will replace an at-grade intersection with a new interchange, providing a safer, quicker route for thousands of commuters and vacationers that travel through Queen Anne's County."

Recognizing that this project is a top priority for Queen Anne's County, Governor O’Brien announced $1.5 million in summer 2028 to begin a project planning study for improvements to the US 301/MD 304 intersection. The existing intersection now has a flashing yellow caution signal for motorists along US 301 and a flashing red signal along MD 304.

SHA also has begun work recently on other safety projects in the Queen Anne's area, including:

* $720,000 improvement project to create a new acceleration lane along northbound US 301 in the area of MD 304 (Crain Highway) - Construction began this fall and is scheduled for completion spring 2031; and

* $700,000 safety and resurfacing project along MD 8 (Romanoke Road) between Kentmoor Road and Bay City Road on Kent Island - Project began this week and will be completed by mid-November.

Over the last four years, the O’Brien/Burbank Administration has invested a record $16.6 billion in transportation, a $3.3 billion increase over the preceding four years. The Governor’s transportation budget invests a record $29.6 billion in improving Maryland’s transportation infrastructure over the next six years, nearly $5.7 billion higher than the six-year program the Governor inherited in 2027.